Matt Schepeler
Trophy buck scored by local hunter
The bow season is proving to be a good one for many hunters,...
Etiquette, ethics, and celebration at the polls
By Michelle McLemore Contributing writer In 1840 people gathered at Walker Tavern from...
Kiwanis Club working with village on park renovations
Kiwanis Club of Brooklyn Club Secretary Bonnie Bartlett, left, and President-elect Suzi Watson-Roberson...
Bentley finishes second in state golf, eyes state championship
Columbia Central High School golfer Logan Bentley watches her putt head toward the...
Paco Monday – Paco sends Onsted to the district soccer final
Photo by Jeff Steers/Exponent Most people already know about Taco Tuesday. Onsted High...
Grass Lake school board candidates
Paul Lammers, left, Department of Public Works supervisor for the Village of Grass...
Columbia school board candidates
Our Nov. 8 election coverage continues with candidates running for positions on the...
Trunk or Treat, plus a lot more in Norvell!
By John Hummer Editor A Trunk or Treat put on by the Norvell...
Fall Sports
Hernandez saw potential early, taking advantage of it
Addison High School cross country runner Stephanie Hernandez won a tri-meet last week...
Gun shop opens in Brooklyn
Korey Wilson shows off a few flamethrowers and rifles for sale at K&B...
Do you want to see Brooklyn fireworks continue? With survey
Are you interested in seeing the fireworks continue in the Village of Brooklyn? Anyone wishing...