
Liberty Township Candidates


In Liberty Township, the only contested race is for trustee, where there are three candidates for two positions. Both Frank Shepherd, and Mark Smith did not submit a profile. The other offices with uncontested races are:

Supervisor – Mark D. Hubbard (R)

Clerk – Debbie Sheehan (R)

Treasurer – Karen Garver (R)

Candidate: Jack L. Vincent (R)

Jack L. Vincent

Hometown: Jackson

Describe your qualifications and experience for this office.   

I am currently serving on the Liberty Township Planning Commission and desire to have additional input in the direction Liberty Township is moving.

Explain your reasons for running. How would you be an asset to your local unit of government?   

I have a vested interest in this community being a fourth-generation resident and working locally in Horton and having raised three adult sons in Hanover Horton Schools. I am fortunate enough to know the historical background of this township and desire to help lead the township to positive growth while maintaining the culture that makes this township a great place to reside and raise families.

Due to our current circumstances, what are the most important challenges facing your community, and how do you propose to address them?   

I believe having been a life-long resident and knowing many of the local residents personally, I can work well with the residents and the township board to ensure we maintain Liberty Township as a great community to live.

Tell us about your family.    

I am married to my wife of 35-plus years and have three adult sons and a beautiful grandson.

What are your hobbies and/or interests?

Maintaining a small beef cattle farm, spending time with family and hunting and fishing.

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