There are three candidates for two positions on the Grass Lake Community Schools school board.
Candidate: Shari Hein
Shari Hein
Hometown: Grass Lake
Describe your qualifications and experience for this office.
I have been a homeowner in Grass Lake for 18 years. I have two sons, a seventh grader at Grass Lake Middle School and a seventh grader in the special education classroom at Michigan Center Middle School. My special needs son attended K-2 at Grass Lake George Long Elementary before moving to a special education 3rd-6th grade classroom in Michigan Center. As the mother of a neurotypical and special needs boy and a long-term resident of Grass Lake, I can bring an experienced and unique perspective to the Grass Lake school board.
Explain your reasons for running. How would you be an asset to your school district?
I don’t have to tell anyone we are living in unprecedented times. I can’t promise to have all the answers. I don’t even have some of them right now. But I can promise to put our students, families and teachers first. I can promise to research, study and collaborate with fellow school board members and the administration on the challenges facing our school district. As an auditor in the healthcare field, research and attention to detail is how I have found professional success.
I started volunteering at school when my boys were in kindergarten. I see being a school board member as an opportunity to continue to be of service to our school district and community. I will bring an open mind and an open heart to the position. There is too much divisiveness and bitterness in our society today and not enough kindness. I will respect and treat others as I wish to be treated as the old saying goes. I will strive to be the best Grass Lake school board member I can be.
Due to our current circumstances what are the most important challenges facing your school district, and how do you propose to address them?
It is so interesting to have children in two neighboring school districts and to be able to compare and contrast the communities and the administrative style of the school districts. I think that gives me a unique perspective and wider range of tools to bring to the role of school board member. I think the most important challenge during this pandemic is to ensure the physical and mental well-being of our students and teachers while nurturing educational goals. Transparency, communication, collaboration and consideration are vital during these times. The best way to get through this is to pull together and work as a team. A team consisting of students, parents, teachers, administrators and school board members to ensure we not only survive the times but are well-positioned to continue thriving in the future.
Tell us about your family. (Did not answer.)
What are your hobbies and/or interests? (Did not answer.)
Candidate: Chris Maynard
Chris Maynard
Hometown: Grass Lake
Describe your qualifications and experience for this office?
I have been in IT management for the past six years. I believe this experience has given me the ability to both lead and work with people. Also, my children have been in Grass Lake Schools for 10 years. In that time, I have served as a coach, volunteered with the Warrior Club and helped with various events through the PTO.
Explain your reasons for running. How would you be an asset to your local unit of government?
I am running for this position because I am passionate about education- both for my kids and all students in Grass Lake Schools. I believe I will be an asset to the school district because I listen well, ask tough questions and believe accountability is essential.
Due to our current circumstances, what are the most important challenges facing your community, and how do you propose to address them?
I believe the most important challenges we have are keeping our students and staff safe while providing the highest quality education. During our current circumstances I think the best way to address these challenges are with constant and consistent communication.
Tell us about your family.
I have been married for 19 years and have four children; all of whom attend Grass Lake Community Schools and span all three buildings.
What are your hobbies and/or interests? (Did not answer.)
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Candidate: Jamie Peacock
Jamie Peacock
Hometown: Grass Lake
Describe your qualifications and experience for this office.
I have lived in the Grass Lake community since 2004 and I have over 18 years experience on an executive board with a strong financial background. I also have attended every school board meeting over the last three years and feel as though I have a good understanding of what is happening in our school district.
Explain your reasons for running. How would you be an asset to your local unit of government?
I want to become more involved in my community and I will work to provide a common sense approach to situations by listening to parents and working with administration to providing transparency in all areas possible.
Due to our current circumstances, what are the most important challenges facing your community, and how do you propose to address them?
Due to the current pandemic, I think it is important to look at the most pressing needs first. Many of our regular school activities and even learning has had to change. With some students learning face-to-face and some in a virtual environment, we must be very conscientious in our decisions to ensure that every teacher and student’s needs are met to be successful, especially our most vulnerable special needs students. The budgets are going to be tighter because of all of this, but I will work with the administration to help meet all the needs of all of our students.
Tell us about your family. (Did not answer.)
What are your hobbies and/or interests?
Reading, traveling and all things U of M athletics…GO BLUE!
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February 9, 2025 at 2:20 am